"The impact project I did helped me to find the career path I wanted to take and to build contacts with people in the industry I wanted to go into. I got to do work experience through a media company, which led me to the job I am in today. I am currently a radio announcer on ZM weekends, which is a goal I've been working towards for the past few years."
"I was given full control to be proactive about my Impact Project. I found that it helped me develop important time management, leadership, and communication skills I needed later on.
Impact Projects set me up to be able to create and run a project and many people I know don't have these skills so it has been really useful."
"My impact project set me up for the world by giving me a lot of confidence. Presenting our project to a crowd and answering questions on the spot in a low stakes context such as the project expo was an invaluable experience. I also spent a lot of time interacting with different stakeholder groups through various means of communications which gave me more confidence and experience with reaching out and interacting with stakeholders."
"Some of the projects we did were creating floor murals for the school and showcasing the potential of robotics to younger students. You definitely learn a thing or two throughout the process, and sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone, like calling a company to get a quote for the stickers you need, but the biggest takeaway I took from it was self-awareness."
"A highlight of mine was being able to go to WINTEC every week and see how maths and physics were used in an engineering context. I also liked being able to build practical skills in the workshops at WINTEC."
"I really loved the fact that I was able to find a way to help my community and do something I loved in Projects. I was able to make friends and learn how to interact with professionals to ask for sponsorship. I have been able to build teamwork skills and communication skills that have helped in wider group settings in workplaces and university. Being able to collaborate and seek out help from others has given me a competitive edge. Key skills I gained in Projects would be creativity, perseverance, seeing the big picture and teamwork."
"Projects days have been my most favourite days during my entire high school years. They have given me the chance, time and resources I needed to be able to develop real life skills and to create opportunities which allowed me to positively contribute to the betterment of my community."
"The main skills I developed which have set me apart from others my age would be time management, planning and prioritising tasks, leadership and being willing to take risks."
"Projects gave me the ability to take a project from planning to completion and take on setbacks and keep moving forward."
"My highlight in Projects was being able to learn business principles which I have found very valuable since my time at RSHS. I was introduced to the methodology of a business through involvement in the ‘Think Bottle’ and Enterprise projects, and this helped me to not go blind sighted into life after school, along with setting me up for my own business journey. Since leaving RSHS, I have brought together these business skills and my passion for dance by setting up my own Dance business. This has required marketing skills, critical thinking, and problem solving."
"Projects for me were the camaraderie that came from all contributing, agreeing and getting excited about an event we were planning… The experience of connecting with the community has enabled me to be more confident and because of the experiences I had in Projects, I'm now studying to become a psychologist. What I learned through my experience in Projects is that hard work pays off, but that being organised and stepping up to leadership are key for success in life."